$$ \def\E{\mathbb{E}} %expectation \def\P{\mathbb{P}} %prob \def\var{\mathbb{V}} %var \def\T{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle T}} %transpose \def\ind{\mathbbm{1}} %indicator \newcommand{\gw}[1]{\color{red}{(#1)}} \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\lVert#1\rVert} \newcommand{\abs}[1]{\lvert#1\rvert} $$

This blog records the way how I build and publish my first Python package, SubsetPrivacy (not released yet).

My environments:

  • macOS Big Sur 11.0.1
  • Python 3.6
  • Sphinx 3.5.1

Project structure

A nice start point is this tutorial on how to packaging Python projects.

It includes

  • The basic structure of an example project
  • How to configure metadata for the setup files (with templates)
  • Create README and LICENSE (See my previous blog for how to choose a license)

Now you’ll have a project directory looks like this

├── README.md
├── example_pkg
│   └── __init__.py
├── pyproject.toml
├── setup.cfg
├── setup.py
└── tests

Let’s explore how to publish it before adding any code :)

Following the instructions of the same tutorial, it tells

  • Generate distributions
  • Upload the package to Test PyPI and finally PyPI
  • Install the package we just uploaded

Congratulations! You’ve published a new Python package! Now, let’s elaborate our project a little bit more.

Organize the code

The package I wrote is small — hence no need for sub-packages, I put all of my modules under the example_pkg directory. For example,

├── __init__.py
├── foo.py
└── bar.py

Here’s the documentation for __init__.py . In short, when example_pkg is imported, python will automatically execute this file, which servers as the initialization of the whole project. We can import functions and classes defined in other modules in this file, such as

from .foo import *
from .bar import *

Then we when have another python file and

import example_pkg

, the functions in foo.py and bar.py are available.

Remark 1: In the above, we use relative import from .foo import * since all the files are under the same directory. Absolute import will be from example_pkg.foo import *.

Remark 2: Define __all__ variable in the foo.py will influence the behavior of from .foo import *, only items listed in the __all__ will be imported. Also, if __all__ is not specified, all variables start with _ or __ will not be imported.

Remark 3: Test is important! Put the test codes in the parallel folder tests. Since I’m not familiar with that, the only recommendation is package unittest .

Good, now it’s time to write the documentations!


Sphinx makes life easier! It’s the most famous and widely-used tool for documentation generation, specially designed for Python. The quick start given by the official website is somewhat hard for me to understand. After spending some time Googling, I construct my docs with the help of this tutorial.

  1. Install Sphinx using pip install -U Sphinx

  2. Create and initialize docs directory
    $ cd packaging_tutorial
    $ mkdir docs
    $ cd docs
    $ sphinx-quickstart

    I choose to use a directory “_build” within the root path (here the docs).

  3. Now the docs directory looks like this

    ├── _static
    ├── _templates
    ├── _build
    ├── conf.py
    ├── index.rst
    ├── Makefile
    └── make.bat

    Build html documentations by

    $ make html

    and pdf by

    $ make latexpdf

For conf.py, it controls the behavior of building process. Some extensions are almost necessary,

  • Append the root path and code path to the system path

  • Add extensions such as

    extensions = [
    "sphinx.ext.autodoc",  # auto generate docs for codes
    "sphinx.ext.mathjax",  # render latex
    "sphinx.ext.napoleon",  # for Numpy and Google style documentation
    "nbsphinx",  # enable including jupyter notebook
  • I override the default theme by readthedocs theme (have to install the theme first through pip)

    html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"

Now, feel free to change index.rst and add more contents. The website is build based on reStructuredText. (Not easy to learn at all!) You can also add extensions like markdown and Jupyter notebook.

Remark 4: I suppose you know how to add documentations for the code, otherwise, here are another two nice references on Numpy style guide and Google style guide.

Host the docs

Read the Docs is a free docs hosting for open source projects. It’s smooth to host the docs if we already build the docs using Sphinx and upload it to the Github. Otherwise, you may manually import the project following this guide.


Hope it helps you figure out how to build and publish a new Python package. Feel free to reach out if you have any suggestions or questions.