The expressivity or approximation theory of neural networks is a much more well-understood topic than the optimization and generalization of NNs. The survey paper Gühring et al. (2020) has a comprehensive review.
Recommender system: Movielens100K example
In this notebook, we explore some popular matrix-decomposition based recommeder system algorithms on Movielens100K dataset. This is largely based on the slides of STAT8056, Spring 2021, which is taught by Prof. Xiaotong Shen.
Build my Ubuntu 20.04 (focal)
This blog records how I install and configure my Ubuntu 20.04 . All the codes should be run in a terminal.
How to publish a Python package
This blog records the way how I build and publish my first Python package, SubsetPrivacy
(not released yet).
How to choose an open source license
In short, from permeissive to restrictive are MIT, BSD3, Apache, and GPL. MIT is good for personal projects while GPL is better for serious company projects.